Loyalty circuits with multi level marketing (MLM)

Loyalty circuits with multi level marketing (MLM)

A loyalty circuit is made of many companies which generally share the same loyalty campaign (discounts or points collection).
Softvision Fidelity Card app allows you to use also the typical multi level marketing (MLN) techniques with the aim of increasing the number of companies involved, or to increase the profits of the circuit.

MLM tree

The figure of the promoter

In the multi level marketing the figure of the companies promoter it's very important. Its job is to identify new companies to include into the circuit. The new company acquired will be associated with that promoter.
But its job does not end there: he may search for new promoters and train them for the circuit. Of course new promoters may be directly linked, according to a hierarchical structure, to the promoter that have presented them.

promoters and companies hierarchy in multi level marketing


In such kind of structure every company, with one or more stores, depends directly from a promoter. Each store of a company must correspond to the promoter a portion of its revenues (generally a few percentage points). This share will be divided among the various subject of the circuit. It's possible to set this percentage (network commission) within the single stores of the company from the main screen of the control panel.

Level fees

We've seen that store gives a revenues share to the circuit (network commission). Now let's see how it's allocated among the various promoters of circuit.
Each promoter may be linked to other promoters introduced by him in the circuit (hierarchical tree structure). The fees generated by the network companies are divided among the various promoters with percentages based on the promoter level in the tree structure.

level commissions in MLM

The tree can also be viewed from the bottom upwards. Starting from any promoter it is possible to trace the tree upwards along a chain of promoters whose number is the downline depth that we've seen.
From the previous table we can see that at each downline depth there is a series of percentages (whose sum is 100) representing the shares of the network commissions generated by the company that must be divided between promoters of the downline row.
Suppose that in a store of the company D will made a purchase of 100 euro. Since in this store you have set a network commission of 10%, the committee to be given to the circuit will be 10 euro.
Now let's see how this share is distributed: Company D was entered by promoter 3 that is under the promoter 2 which in turn has been presented by the promoter 1. So we have a depth chain level as 3. This means that we will have to share the 10 euro according to the percentages in the third row of the table of fees. These percentages are, starting from the “last” promoter, respectively 70%, 20% and 10%.
Then the 10 euro of commissions will be divided as follows:

- Promoter 1: 1 euro (10% of 10 euro)
- Promoter 2: 2 euro (20% of 10 euro)
- Promoter 3: 7 euro (70% of 10 euro)

Features dedicated to multi level marketing

In the MLM menù of the application there are all necessary functions to manage the multi level marketing circuit:

  • Promoters: allows to add the promoters of the circuit. For each promoter is necessary to enter the main data, specify the promoter of reference and the data to access the control panel that allows to view the performances trend and the hierarchy of promoters and companies.
  • Promoters and companies Hierarchy: shows a graphical representation of the tree structure with the location of the promoters and companies within the circuit.
  • Level fees: allows to specify the fees for each downline depth. The fees are set out in a table with one row for each possible depth. Obviously the sum of the percentages in each row must be equal to 100.
  • Promoters committees reports: shows the commissions earned from promoters in a given period of time. Will be shown the direct commissions, originated by the companies directly related to promoter and also the indirect ones, generated by companies linked indirectly through other promoters but related to the promoter examined.
    Expanding the tree branches is possible to know in detail the share of commissions generated by the various companies that depend directly or indirectly by the promoter.
  • Monthly Reports: the window is divided into two pages: the first shows the monthly fees due to any promoter, while the second shows the monthly fees that companies must give to the circuit. In both cases, for each month, you will see two links through which you can set the payment as "issued" (by the promoter or by the company) or cancel it.
  • Payments Report: shows two reports. The first related to the monthly payments from circuit to the promoters and the second those made by companies to the circuit